How old is Abby Rao?
Abby Rao was born on 20 July 1997.
Abby Rao is 27 years old.
How old is Abby Rao in days now?
Abby Rao is 27 years 6 months 22 days old.
Total 10,068 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Abby Rao?
Abby Rao's next birthday is in 5 months 9 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Abby Rao?
Zodiac sign of Abby Rao is Cancer.
Abby Rao is an American model, actress and social media star known for her lovely looks and fascinating lifestyle. She was born in 1997 in New Orleans and was raised there. Since her early teen ages she has been interested in fashion and make-up. After finishing high school she moved to LA to work as a cosmetologist and try to pursue a career in modeling. She was noticed and has managed to sign a contract with a modeling agency. At the same time, Abby began a very active social media life, with having accounts in most of the popular social media networking including YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and others. She met a lot of new friends like Daisy Keech with whom she has a few media groups and businesses. Abby Rao has plenty of fans and the number of her Instagram followers, as of the mid 2024, is exceeding 2.2 million people.