How old is Ace Akers?

Ace Akers was born on 12 February 2002.
Ace Akers is 23 years old.

How old is Ace Akers in days now?

Ace Akers is 23 years 23 days old.
Total 8,424 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ace Akers?

Ace Akers's next birthday is in 11 months 5 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ace Akers?

Zodiac sign of Ace Akers is Aquarius.

A great and talented content creator Ace Akers is one of the most growing young TikTokers who are trying to survive in this crazy competition of comedy content makers. Born in 2002 in Missouri, he spent his childhood in Nixa, alongside his friends and family. As a young teenager, he had some typical interests including playing computer games, doing sports and taking up some dancing. Just like most of his friends did, in the late 2010s he opened his TikTok channel in order to share some videos about his life and the fun they have with his friends. Eventually, more and more viewers started loving his stuff and the number of the subscribers have been increasing dramatically. He is really good at coming up with great ideas as to lip-syncing or skits, and his pranks are hilarious. As of the early 2025, there are almost 3.8 million people following his channel. Ace Akers also has a great Instagram account which is followed by about two thirds of a million of his loyal fans.

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