How old is Adam22?

Adam22 was born on 24 November 1983.
Adam22 is 40 years old.

How old is Adam22 in days now?

Adam22 is 40 years 5 months 11 days old.
Total 14,773 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Adam22?

Adam22's next birthday is in 6 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Adam22?

Zodiac sign of Adam22 is Sagittarius.

A charismatic and cool social media star, Adam22 is primarily known as a host of some podcasts as well as a hip hop singer and a music producer with a few great hits. Born Adam John Grandmaison in 1983 in New Hampshire and grew up alongside his parents and his sister. He attended and finished school in Nashua and began his vivid activities as a social media networking site user in the early 2010s by opening his YouTube channel which he titled NoJumper. Soon it became a place to find plenty of interesting videos about his life and interests, and then it grew into a place to find a number of videos focused on today's pop culture, music, social life, etc. In the mid 2010s Adam began hosting some programs which got focused on interviewing some celebrities, talking about music and other kinds of entertainment, etc, which attracted pretty many loyal fans and viewers. As of the late 2023, there are over 4.5 million followers of NoJumper. Adam22 is also known as a huge fan of cycling and a BMX rider. He is married to a social media star Lena Nersesian.

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