How old is Alan Chikin Chow?

Alan Chikin Chow was born on 15 November 1996.
Alan Chikin Chow is 28 years old.

How old is Alan Chikin Chow in days now?

Alan Chikin Chow is 28 years 2 months 25 days old.
Total 10,313 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Alan Chikin Chow?

Alan Chikin Chow's next birthday is in 9 months 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Alan Chikin Chow?

Zodiac sign of Alan Chikin Chow is Scorpio.

Alan Chikin Chow is a very charismatic and cool YouTube star who has developed his special style in creating really great content focused on a variety of entertaining topics like comedy, music, dancing, healthy lifestyle, etc. Born in 1996 in Texas, he spent his childhood years in Dallas and started his activities as a future social media networking star there. Since his childhood he has loved acting and being the center of attention, but he knew so well that the personal development is one of the key factors to deserve this attention. As a teenager he was interested in virtually everything, from music and acting to developing some business ideas, and in the mid 2010s he began focusing on creating digital content which turned out to be a very successful field for him. In addition to his extremely successful but occasional acting work (he appeared in some ABC shows like "Grey Anatomy" or "Into the Dark"), he is also one of the fastest growing YouTubers of 2024, with the current number of the viewers close to 67 million people. Recently he has started collaboration with a few known brands like Netflix or McDonald's mainly on commercial rails. Alan Chikin Chow is a very interesting person and the content he has been making and sharing is really outstanding.

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