How old is Alaska Violet?

Alaska Violet was born on 3 June 2003.
Alaska Violet is 21 years old.

How old is Alaska Violet in days now?

Alaska Violet is 21 years 8 months 4 days old.
Total 7,920 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Alaska Violet?

Alaska Violet's next birthday is in 3 months 27 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Alaska Violet?

Zodiac sign of Alaska Violet is Gemini.

Alaska Violet is a mysterious YouTuber, TikToker and gamer whose identity is kept secret. Born in 2003 in Australia, she has been playing Roblox type games since her early years. As her experiences built up, she came up with a number of characters used for her playing. On TikTok she tried to promote her character based on the image of Kris Jenner. The character of Alaska Violet appears as a blonde woman with black sunglasses. She started her activities on the two most popular platforms quite recently, and the number of fans on her YouTube channel increased to over 1.5 million people for less than 2 years. Her TikTok page is followed by about a half of a million of people. Despite her being known as a gamer, Alaska Violet has a variety of topics that her videos are focused on. In particular, she often posts some entertaining stuff like funny comments, challenges, etc.

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