How old is Alex Stokes?

Alex Stokes was born on 23 November 1996.
Alex Stokes is 28 years old.

How old is Alex Stokes in days now?

Alex Stokes is 28 years 2 months 15 days old.
Total 10,303 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Alex Stokes?

Alex Stokes's next birthday is in 9 months 16 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Alex Stokes?

Zodiac sign of Alex Stokes is Sagittarius.

Alex Stokes is an extremely handsome YouTube star who rose to fame alongside his identical twin brother Alan Stokes. The boys came to this world on November 23rd, 1996, in China, and spent their early years in the Celestial Empire, alongside their parents of Chinese and American origins. As young children, the twins moved to the US with their family and settled down in Tennessee. They grew up alongside their wonderful dog named Sheeba which had a huge influence on their lives. In the mid 2010s the Stokes brothers started their social media activities and launched their YouTube and then TikTok channel which are still joint. Due to their natural great looks and exceptional creativity, they managed to attract a large fanbase quite soon. As of the late 2024, there are about 15 million followers on their YouTube channel and about 24 million fans on their TikTok channel. The twins are in close friendly and business relationships with another social media star, Brent Rivera, who is a large scale YouTube star. Alex Stokes also has his personal Instagram account where currently the number of his fans approaches to 4.2 million people.

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