How old is Alissa Violet?

Alissa Violet was born on 12 June 1996.
Alissa Violet is 27 years old.

How old is Alissa Violet in days now?

Alissa Violet is 27 years 10 months 26 days old.
Total 10,192 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Alissa Violet?

Alissa Violet's next birthday is in 1 month 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Alissa Violet?

Zodiac sign of Alissa Violet is Gemini.

Alissa Violet-Marie Butler, known as just Alissa Violet, is a really lovely and very popular media personality, who is also a model and an Instagram star. She earned plenty of popularity due to her extensive media presence, as well as because of her being a girlfriend of Paul Logan, another famous social media star. She was born in 1996 in a small town in Ohio, and grew up in a family of three children, alongside her parents and two elder brothers. Alissa was a very active little girl but loved studying and was a successful school student. She loved dancing and had a great creative mind which helped her to generate unique ideas and compose interesting videos which she started posting on Vine in the early 2013. At about those times Alissa joined developing media star community and started gaining popularity by increasing the number of fans, especially on her Vine and Instagram accounts. When Vine was shut down, she focused mainly on Instagram, and as of the mid 2023, there are over 12 million people following her. She lives in LA and is frequently involved in modeling and various small TV projects. She is a part of a media star team called Clout Gang, together with such Internet celebrities as Sommer Ray, RiceGum, and so on. For a few years she used to date another famous media personality, Paul Logan, but at the ends of the ends the couple split up. In the late 2010s Alissa Butler dated one more YouTube star, Ricky Banks, and together they formed a duo known as Balissa, but the couple split up in 2019.

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