How old is Allie Schnacky?
Allie Schnacky was born on 22 February 2000.
Allie Schnacky is 24 years old.
How old is Allie Schnacky in days now?
Allie Schnacky is 24 years 11 months 27 days old.
Total 9,128 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Allie Schnacky?
Allie Schnacky's next birthday is in 4 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Allie Schnacky?
Zodiac sign of Allie Schnacky is Pisces.
Allie Schnacky is a TikTok star who has managed to attract a large number of followers with her interesting and unique content. Born in 2000 in Orlando, she spent her childhood in Florida and as a child she used to enjoy spending time with her siblings, two brothers and two sisters, as well as their friends. When she was 10 years old, Allie was discovered by some talent scouts and invited to participate in a few TV programs like Extreme Makeover or Letters To God. After that she was noticed by the general public and continued to promote her activities as a dancer and a social media person. Allie opened her TikTok channel where she started posting plenty of videos focused on various topics, starting from her daily life and finishing with plenty of pranks, skits, and other comedy related stuff. As of the early 2024, there are about 4 million people following her TikTok channel, as well as about two thirds of a million people following her Instagram account. Allie Schnacky is an entrepreneur and she has her own lines of clothes and accessories.
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