How old is Amber Scholl?
Amber Scholl was born on 13 August 1993.
Amber Scholl is 31 years old.
How old is Amber Scholl in days now?
Amber Scholl is 31 years 5 months 29 days old.
Total 11,505 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Amber Scholl?
Amber Scholl's next birthday is in 6 months 2 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Amber Scholl?
Zodiac sign of Amber Scholl is Leo.
Amber Scholl is a talented and amazingly looking YouTuber known as a DIY, life hack and fashion related content creator. Born in 1993 in Maryland, she great up in the city of Silver Spring, alongside her parents and two sisters Angela and Alyssa who are also interested in various trick and life hacks, so they very often appear in her videos. Since her early childhood Amber has been really great in arts, makeup, fashion, television and celebrities, so in the mid 2010s she decided to open her YouTube channel in order to share her numerous cool ideas with her viewers. As of the mid 2024, there are over 3.6 million followers of her channel who enjoy the videos about new ideas about house decoration, getting ready for Christmas holidays and summer vacation, creating a new stunning look, and many others. Amber Scholl can also be found in Instagram where the number of her subscribers is currently approaching one million people. She has tried herself in modeling and used to interview famous people like Kris Jenner, etc.
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