How old is Andrea Kimi Antonelli?

Andrea Kimi Antonelli was born on 25 August 2006.
Andrea Kimi Antonelli is 18 years old.

How old is Andrea Kimi Antonelli in days now?

Andrea Kimi Antonelli is 18 years 5 months 12 days old.
Total 6,740 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Andrea Kimi Antonelli?

Andrea Kimi Antonelli's next birthday is in 6 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Andrea Kimi Antonelli?

Zodiac sign of Andrea Kimi Antonelli is Virgo.

Andrea Kimi Antonelli is a young and perspective car racer from Italy famous for his participation in some international competitions including Formula 4. He was born in Bologna and started racing as a kart racer when he was just seven years old trained and supported by his father Marco Antonelli. As a teenager he became a winner of some international karting championships including WSK Super Master Series, WSK Euro Series, WSK Championship Cup, etc. In 2019 he joined the team of Mercedes Junior Team and went on as one of the leading young racers in Italy. In 2022 Andrea joined Formula 4 competitions including ADAC Championship, UAE Championship, and others. In 2023 he starred at the Formula Regional Middle East Championship, FIA Formula 3 Championship, and so on. Now, Andrea Kimi Antonelli is expecting to debut in Formula 1 in 2025 as a part of the senior Mercedes Team. It is easy to find and follow him on Instagram.

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