How old is Andrea Russett?
Andrea Russett was born on 27 June 1995.
Andrea Russett is 29 years old.
How old is Andrea Russett in days now?
Andrea Russett is 29 years 7 months 11 days old.
Total 10,818 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Andrea Russett?
Andrea Russett's next birthday is in 4 months 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Andrea Russett?
Zodiac sign of Andrea Russett is Cancer.
Andrea Russett is a lovely American YouTube star and actress known for her role in the movie Sickhouse. She was born in 1995 in Indiana and grew up in a large family, alongside her two siblings. Andrea studied in Catholic school, and just like most of her friends and classmates was a huge fan of social networking. Thus, in the late 2000s, she started her YouTube channel which used to be her vlog and a place where Andrea used to upload plenty of funny videos and stuff. Later on, she started focusing rather on music, uploading various music videos and her personal comments on those. It ended up with increasing popularity of Russett's channel, so she decided to move to California and pursue her career there. She continued working with her online accounts like YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as promoting her songs, which ended up with a few interesting collaborations like the one with Justin Bieber. Andrea Russett appeared in a few movies like Sickhouse, Expelled (with Cameron Dallas), Mike And Dave Need Wedding Dates, etc.
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