How old is Annie Rose?
Annie Rose was born on 26 January 2006.
Annie Rose is 19 years old.
How old is Annie Rose in days now?
Annie Rose is 19 years 23 days old.
Total 6,963 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Annie Rose?
Annie Rose's next birthday is in 11 months 8 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Annie Rose?
Zodiac sign of Annie Rose is Aquarius.
Annie Rose is a shining YouTube star known for her personal channel titled Annie's Vlogs. Born in 2006 in Texas, Annie is growing up in quite a large family of her parents and 5 siblings, three brothers, and two sisters. Annie started her vlog on YouTube when she was 9 years old, and she used to be helped by her mum in creating and making her videos. In 2016 Annie posted one of the most famous videos of hers, the one with Colleen Ballinger, which has a lot of views and helped Annie promote her channel. Currently, Annie is posting her vlog videos twice a week on her main channel, Annie Rose, where she tells her viewers about the events of her daily life and shares her thoughts. As of the early 2025, there are over eight hundred thousand followers of her YouTube channel. She has also tried herself as a singer and recorded a few singles including I Think You're Lying, Without Thinking, and so on.
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