How old is Anthony Trujillo?

Anthony Trujillo was born on 4 May 1996.
Anthony Trujillo is 28 years old.

How old is Anthony Trujillo in days now?

Anthony Trujillo is 28 years 9 months 7 days old.
Total 10,510 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Anthony Trujillo?

Anthony Trujillo's next birthday is in 2 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Anthony Trujillo?

Zodiac sign of Anthony Trujillo is Taurus.

Anthony Trujillo is a famous American YouTube star known for his frequent collaborations with Jake Paul and Logan Paul. Trujillo was born in 1996 in Ohio and grew up in a small city of the state. He has got an elder sister who is also popular in social networks. When he was a child, Anthony liked baseball and was successfully playing it in school. He started getting interesting in making videos and uploading those online in mid-2010, so he opened a YouTube channel titled Imanthonytruj. Plenty of people liked Tony's videos and subscribed to his channel. Trujillo made a lot of new friends among his fellow YouTubers, as well as became a member of the very famous Team 10 group. Together with his good friend Chance Sutton, Tony runs one more YouTube channel, Chance and Anthony, which also attracted a large number of the followers. As of the early 2024, Anthony Trujillo has over 1.4 million followers in his Instagram account.

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