How old is Antwain Lee Fowler?
Antwain Lee Fowler was born on 23 December 2014. Antwain Lee Fowler died on 21 November 2021 at the age of 6 years.
What was the exact age of Antwain Lee Fowler?
Antwain Lee Fowler's exact age was 6 years 10 months 29 days old. Antwain Lee Fowler lived for total 2,525 days.
What would be the age of Antwain Lee Fowler if alive?
Antwain Lee Fowler's exact age would be 10 years 2 months 12 days old if alive. Total 3,727 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Antwain Lee Fowler?
Zodiac sign of Antwain Lee Fowler is Capricorn.
Antwain Lee Fowler was a lovely little Instagram star and a child diagnosed with a terrible immune disease. Born in 2014 in the US, he was growing up alongside his mother named Christina known in social media community as China Blaq. When Antwain was just 1 year old he was diagnosed with a terrible autoimmune disease, and during his short life he underwent about 25 surgeries. Besides, the quality of his life was distorted by numerous restrictions like he couldn't drink milk, etc. His mum opened his personal Instagram account in 2019 and began sharing many photos and some videos about his life. Thus, he had a lot of fans and the number of followers on his channel for the moment of his passing away was about 700 thousand people. Antwain Lee Fowler was a great example of a fighter who is remembered by many of his supporters and friends.
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