How old is Aphmau?
Aphmau was born on 16 October 1989.
Aphmau is 35 years old.
How old is Aphmau in days now?
Aphmau is 35 years 4 months 19 days old.
Total 12,926 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Aphmau?
Aphmau's next birthday is in 7 months 9 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Aphmau?
Zodiac sign of Aphmau is Libra.
Aphmau is a YouTube star and a gamer known for her infinite love to playing Minecraft. Born Jessica Bravura in Texas, she has loved computer games (others like Spore and Pixelmore) since her early teen ages. Jess opened her first YouTube channel in summer 2012 and started posting her videos related to her gaming experience. She used to be also known as a Twitch streamer. Aphmau has managed to attract over 18 million followers to her YouTube channel (as of the late 2024), and her videos are known as Minecraft Diaries. She is married to an Instagram star Jason Bravura and the couple has three kids named Julia, Jennifer, and Joseph. Many of her videos have over 5 million views which is great success for a YouTube star like her.
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