How old is Ava Rae?
Ava Rae was born on 27 October 2005.
Ava Rae is 19 years old.
How old is Ava Rae in days now?
Ava Rae is 19 years 3 months 22 days old.
Total 7,054 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ava Rae?
Ava Rae's next birthday is in 8 months 9 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ava Rae?
Zodiac sign of Ava Rae is Scorpio.
An extremely lovely and intelligent travel, fashion, and lifestyle vlogger, Ava Rae is popular on two platforms, TikTok and YouTube. She came to this world in 2005 Seattle and grew up there. She was brought up by her parents of Mexican origins, and she has got two siblings. Ava was raised in a very positive and cheerful environment which can be seen clearly after watching her family videos that she shares quite often. Rae started her online activities on TikTok when she was only 11 years old by opening her YouTube channel. A bit later she made up her mind to launch her TikTok channel was well. Usually she is focused on some evens and daily stuff like make-up, fashion, shopping, music and concerts, some tips and advice on healthy lifestyle. Her most viewed video has got over 5 million hits, and the total number of the views of her TikTok channel is exceeding 39 million ones. The number of her followers on YouTube is exceeding 400,000 people, and there are about a third of a million fans on her TikTok channel (as of the late 2024). Nowadays, it is also possible to find an Instagram page of Ava Rae and see a number of lovely photos uploaded there.
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