How old is Avery Cyrus?

Avery Cyrus was born on 23 May 2000.
Avery Cyrus is 23 years old.

How old is Avery Cyrus in days now?

Avery Cyrus is 23 years 11 months 2 days old.
Total 8,738 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Avery Cyrus?

Avery Cyrus's next birthday is in 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Avery Cyrus?

Zodiac sign of Avery Cyrus is Gemini.

Avery Cyrus is a TikToker and a rising social media star who became famous in a blink due to her cool and creative ideas as to her content. born Avery Blanchard in Texas, she spent her childhood in the city of Colleyville where she finished high school. She has been behaving and thinking oddly for many years and trying to position herself as an atypical young lady. She got interested in social media and networking sites in the late 2020, so she started her presence by opening her first Instagram and, a little later, her TikTok accounts. Her success was incredible, and just for a bit more than a years she has managed to attract over 3 million followers. As of the mid 2023, there are 8.5 million subscribers following Avery Cyrus' TikTok channel where it is possible to find plenty of cool and funny stuff that is really interesting for all modern TikTok fans.

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