How old is Avia Butler?

Avia Butler was born on 4 May 2005.
Avia Butler is 18 years old.

How old is Avia Butler in days now?

Avia Butler is 18 years 11 months 15 days old.
Total 6,925 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Avia Butler?

Avia Butler's next birthday is in 15 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Avia Butler?

Zodiac sign of Avia Butler is Taurus.

Avia Butler is a young and very cute YouTuber known also as one of the Shaytards, a family which runs a popular YouTube channel. Avia was born in 2005 and is growing up in a small town of Idaho, alongside her 4 siblings. Her father and mother run their YouTube channel where they post videos related to their family life and all the funny situations taking place in their life. As of the mid 2023, there are about 4.7 million people following the channel. Avia Butler is also known as Princesstard and is a huge fan of Taylor Swift. She sings really great, and has recorded a few wonderful songs, one in collaboration with Danna Richards.

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