How old is Azzyland?

Azzyland was born on 23 February 1991.
Azzyland is 33 years old.

How old is Azzyland in days now?

Azzyland is 33 years 11 months 17 days old.
Total 12,405 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Azzyland?

Azzyland's next birthday is in 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Azzyland?

Zodiac sign of Azzyland is Pisces.

Azzyland is a famous Canadian Instagram and YouTube star. She was born as Azra Bajrami in 1991 in Toronto, Canada, and spent her childhood there alongside her family. Since her early childhood, she was keen on computers and PC gaming since all members of her family love that too. Azra has been playing since she was 7, and in the early 2010s she opened accounts in popular social networks and began promoting her videos dedicated mainly to gaming and cosplay. The Legend of Zelda is the most favorite of hers. Her videos are very interesting and motivating so currently there are over 13 million people following her YouTube account, while her Instagram account enjoys over 2 million subscribers (as of the early 2024). Azzyland studied chemistry and biology in university, and she is a certified scuba diver. She gladly joins various social events and collaborates with her fellow YouTubers on various projects related to gaming.

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