How old is Bailey Spinnenweber?

Bailey Spinnenweber was born on 5 August 2002.
Bailey Spinnenweber is 22 years old.

How old is Bailey Spinnenweber in days now?

Bailey Spinnenweber is 22 years 6 months 13 days old.
Total 8,233 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Bailey Spinnenweber?

Bailey Spinnenweber's next birthday is in 5 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Bailey Spinnenweber?

Zodiac sign of Bailey Spinnenweber is Leo.

Bailey Spinnenweber is a lovey TikTok star known for her amazing creativity and her personal charisma. She was born and spent her childhood in Fairfax, alongside her parents and two sisters. As a child, she was a great fan of sports, especially swimming and even participated in some events as a member of her high school swim team. In the mid 2010s she decided to mark her presence in social media networking sites by launching her TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. This massive presence helped her to attract attention, not only social media platform users but also some talent scouts, and Bailey is listed on some sites as a model and a fashion expert. Her TikTok account turned out to be the most successful and as of the mid 2024 there are about 8 million subscribers to her channel. She is mostly known for her POV videos, and the most successful videos of Bailey Spinnenweber have attracted about 1 million views.

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