How old is Baronscho?
Baronscho was born on 18 May 2000.
Baronscho is 24 years old.
How old is Baronscho in days now?
Baronscho is 24 years 9 months old.
Total 9,042 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Baronscho?
Baronscho's next birthday is in 3 months.
What is the zodiac sign of Baronscho?
Zodiac sign of Baronscho is Taurus.
Baronscho is a handsome guy who has recently become popular on TikTok as well as other social media platforms. Born in 2000 in Texas, he spent his early years in Galveston City, alongside his family and friends. His real name, as well as much of the information about his early childhood hasn't been revealed yet. Since his teen ages he has been greatly interested in dancing and taught himself to dance. Due to his great looks and personal charisma he used to be of a great popularity at school, and in the late 2010s he decided to open his first social media accounts in order to share his life with the people of the world. As of the mid 2024, Baronscho is active on TikTok where the number of his followers is approaching one and a half million people. On Instagram he has about two hundred thousand fans, and there are many on his Titter account as well. He is famous for his great lip-syncing videos. He is currently dating another TikToker Zoi Lerma.
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