How old is Benji Nelson?
Benji Nelson was born on 7 November 1971.
Benji Nelson is 53 years old.
How old is Benji Nelson in days now?
Benji Nelson is 53 years 3 months 4 days old.
Total 19,455 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Benji Nelson?
Benji Nelson's next birthday is in 8 months 27 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Benji Nelson?
Zodiac sign of Benji Nelson is Scorpio.
Benji Nelson is the father and the main person behind the channel NotEnoughNelsons, as well as an inspirational father of 16 children, seven of whom are his biological children and nine are adopted. He was born Bruce Edward Nelson in 1971 in the US and spent his childhood in the state of Utah, alongside his parents and four siblings. As a teenager and a young man Benjie would never imagine having that many children as well as developing that successful career as a social media star. He got married to Tiffany Kay and shortly after the couple became parents to their first biological children in the late 1990s. Later on they decided to adopt some children, and even traveled to other countries like russia to find children to adopt. Their youngest child Ledger Nelson was born in 2019. The family has an extremely popular YouTube channel which currently, as of the late 2024, is followed by 3.9 million followers. Benji Nelson is an excellent father, he is extremely patient and kind to the children. He loves soccer and spends his free time coaching a local soccer team.
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