How old is Bethany Gaskin?
Bethany Gaskin was born on 2 April 1975.
Bethany Gaskin is 49 years old.
How old is Bethany Gaskin in days now?
Bethany Gaskin is 49 years 10 months 4 days old.
Total 18,208 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Bethany Gaskin?
Bethany Gaskin's next birthday is in 1 month 27 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Bethany Gaskin?
Zodiac sign of Bethany Gaskin is Aries.
Bethany Gaskin is a YouTube star known for her fascinating video content that she has been posting on her YouTube channel. Born in 1975, she has quite a typical childhood and grew up alongside her mother and her brother. She was not much into social media until her late 30s. She settled down in Cincinnati, got married and had two songs, but in the mid 2010s Beth got interested in commenting on various food and later on decided to open her YouTube channel where she would share her considerations about the best food with her viewers. Surprisingly, her channel Bloveslife started being popular extremely fast, and for the first year of its existence it has managed to attract over 2.8 million followers. As of the late 2024, there are almost 3.1 million followers enjoying and looking forward to new videos of Bethany Gaskin. Recently, her content has started going way beyond just food and eating but is also focused on beauty, tips for make-up or healthy lifestyle, DIY, POV, and plenty of other cool topics.
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