How old is Bill Goldberg?

Bill Goldberg was born on 27 December 1966.
Bill Goldberg is 58 years old.

How old is Bill Goldberg in days now?

Bill Goldberg is 58 years 1 month 10 days old.
Total 21,226 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Bill Goldberg?

Bill Goldberg's next birthday is in 10 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Bill Goldberg?

Zodiac sign of Bill Goldberg is Capricorn.

Bill Goldberg is a famous professional wrestler known for his participation in a large number of TV shows and wrestling-related programs. Born in 1966 in Tulsa, he grew up alongside his brother in a traditional Jewish family. He has been interested in martial arts since his early ages and also loved and played American football. After finishing high school he worked as a bouncer and in the early 1990s, he started quite a successful football career by plenty for his university team. However, after a few years of trying himself as a football player, Goldberg decided to focus totally on wrestling and started serious training. Since 1997 he became appearing in a very popular wrestling show Nitro and shortly after became a WCW Champion of the World. In the early 2000s, he managed to gain worldwide popularity and took part in various international competitions, with some victories like the ones in All Japan Pro Wrestling Competitions, etc. In the mid-2000s, Goldberg started working as a commentator on various martial arts and trying himself as an actor in a few cinema movies. Bill Goldberg is undoubtedly one of the most charismatic and memorable persons in the wrestling world of the beginning of the 21st century.

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