How old is Brad Mondo?

Brad Mondo was born on 28 October 1994.
Brad Mondo is 30 years old.

How old is Brad Mondo in days now?

Brad Mondo is 30 years 3 months 21 days old.
Total 11,071 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Brad Mondo?

Brad Mondo's next birthday is in 8 months 10 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Brad Mondo?

Zodiac sign of Brad Mondo is Scorpio.

A handsome hair stylist, personal style consultant, and social media influencer, Brad Mondo is a Massachusetts native and was raised in Franklin, alongside his two brothers. His father is an experienced hairdresser and Brad names him as the main inspiration for his passion. He started being as apprentice in his father's salon when he was a teenager, and in the mid 2000s Brad started to work as a hairdresser himself thus starting his long career as a professional stylist. Due to his talent and amazing creativity he has managed to attract a lot of public attention and was invited to join a number of television and modeling project, took part in plenty of advertising campaigns, etc. Many social media superstars like Charli D'Amelio, Joana Ceddia, or Safiya Nygaard have turned into his clients and participated in a few joint videos. With the number of the subscribers close to 10 million people (for the late 2024), Brad Mondo is among the most growing and popular stylists on the platform. His videos can be watched on YouTube with about 8 million followers, and his Instagram account enjoys the attention of about 2 million fans of his. Mondo is also an entrepreneur and has a successful brand of the clothing for youth, XMONDO.

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