How old is Brandon Rogers?

Brandon Rogers was born on 3 August 1988.
Brandon Rogers is 36 years old.

How old is Brandon Rogers in days now?

Brandon Rogers is 36 years 6 months 6 days old.
Total 13,339 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Brandon Rogers?

Brandon Rogers's next birthday is in 5 months 25 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Brandon Rogers?

Zodiac sign of Brandon Rogers is Leo.

A talented and creative YouTuber, Brandon Roger is famous for his great comedy related content which is sometimes too funny for words. He was born in 1988 in California and grew up there. He has been an active social media user for over 15 years as he launched his first YouTube and Vine channels back in the mid 2000s. During the first years he used to create and share various interesting videos based on his daily life, but later he started figuring out that the videos of him doing impression of some famous people or focusing on some funny stuff always had a larger number of views. Thus, Brandon decided to fully focus on comedy content. His sketches, parodies, impressions, and pieces of satire received great number of fans, and currently, as of the mid 2024, there are over 6 million people following his great channel. It is also possible to find and subscribe to his Instagram account where he is now expecting to reach 1 million people fanbase. Brandon Roger names John Waters as the best example and inspiration to him.

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