How old is Bray Wyatt?
Bray Wyatt was born on 23 May 1987. Bray Wyatt died on 23 August 2023 at the age of 36 years.
What was the exact age of Bray Wyatt?
Bray Wyatt's exact age was 36 years 3 months old. Bray Wyatt lived for total 13,241 days.
What would be the age of Bray Wyatt if alive?
Bray Wyatt's exact age would be 37 years 7 months 22 days old if alive. Total 13,751 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Bray Wyatt?
Zodiac sign of Bray Wyatt is Gemini.
Bray Wyatt was a successful wrestler and WWE professional who followed the steps of both his father and his grandpa in he filed of professional wrestling. Born Windham Lowrence Rotunda in 1987 in Florida and since his childhood he was truly motivated by his grandfather Blackjack Mulligan and his dad Mike Rotunda, both famous professionally on the eastern coast. Bray made his first steps as a wrestler at his high school times, though he would spent a lot of time training as an American football player as well. His debut in FCW took place in the late 2000s and in 2010 he became a member of The Nexus team as Husky Harris. Later on, known as Bray Wyatt, he became a one time WWE Champion and two time WWE Universal Champion. In the late 2010s he came up with a new nickname The Friend with an image of a weird evil clown in the ring. He quit being an WWE member in 2021 and got focused on his family life as in 2022 his second child with his girlfriend, a wrestler Jojo Offerman came to this world. Jojo and Bray Wyatt got engaged in later that year, but in summer 2023 he tragically passed away after a heart condition caused presumably by complications of Covid 19 at the age of only 36....
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