How old is Braylon Hall?

Braylon Hall was born on 23 August 2009.
Braylon Hall is 14 years old.

How old is Braylon Hall in days now?

Braylon Hall is 14 years 8 months 3 days old.
Total 5,360 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Braylon Hall?

Braylon Hall's next birthday is in 3 months 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Braylon Hall?

Zodiac sign of Braylon Hall is Virgo.

A cute and really cool TikTok star, Braylon Hall is known as a son of Brooke Ashley Hall from the epic channel titled The Beverly Halls. He was born in 2009 in Ohio and he is the first child of Brooke. Later on she got married to a famous boxer Marco Hall who became a step-father to Brooke, as well as the father of his two step-brothers, Caedon and Mar'Cannon. The life of Braylon and his brothers has been carefully documented by his mum and dad, on their family channel. Some of the videos there reach up to 700 thousand views. As of the mid 2023, there are almost 5 million fans on the channel. Braylon Hall is an extremely positive and creative teenager, he loves sports and enjoys having fun in this life.

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