How old is Brennan Donnelly?
Brennan Donnelly was born on 3 November 2002.
Brennan Donnelly is 22 years old.
How old is Brennan Donnelly in days now?
Brennan Donnelly is 22 years 3 months 6 days old.
Total 8,134 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Brennan Donnelly?
Brennan Donnelly's next birthday is in 8 months 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Brennan Donnelly?
Zodiac sign of Brennan Donnelly is Scorpio.
Brennan Donnelly is a young American YouTuber and Instagram star. Born in 2002 in Maryland, he grew up alongside his two younger siblings, both of whom are Internet celebrities too. His sister Katie Donnelly is known as Flippin'Katie, and their younger brother Ryan has the nickname Flippin'Ryan. Their father Mike works for Disney, and their mom Jill Donnelly has her own YouTube account where she tells about her amazing children. Since his childhood, Brennan has been a big fan of water polo and even took part in serious competitions at the national level like the Junior Olympics. He often appears in the videos of his siblings as well as posts the videos of his own telling his thoughts about life, demonstrating his achievements in sports, pranks, challenges, some mockery, and plenty of other stuff. As of the late 2024, the number of his followers both on YouTube and Instagram together is approaching to 1.6 million people. Brennan Donnelly very often collaborates with his sister.
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