How old is Britneybae77?

Britneybae77 was born on 18 August 2005.
Britneybae77 is 19 years old.

How old is Britneybae77 in days now?

Britneybae77 is 19 years 6 months old.
Total 7,124 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Britneybae77?

Britneybae77's next birthday is in 6 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Britneybae77?

Zodiac sign of Britneybae77 is Leo.

Britneybae77 is a funny and cheerful TikTok star who has been running her channel for a few years and sharing some nice content focused on lip syncing, jokes, skits, adventures, and such. She was born in 2005 in the US and has been demonstrating her passion to hip hop music since her early teen ages. She has released some of her compositions on SoundCloud including "I'm Sorry" and "Hollow Love". She is also really good at lip syncing, and some of her versions of Lil Peep's songs have a lot of views. She became really active on TikTok in the late 2023, and just for a year the number of her fans there is approaching to 150 thousand people. Britneybae77 is known and loved for a few successful duets with other singers like Dkane and others.

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