How old is Brooklyn Van Zandt?

Brooklyn Van Zandt was born on 22 April 2006.
Brooklyn Van Zandt is 18 years old.

How old is Brooklyn Van Zandt in days now?

Brooklyn Van Zandt is 18 years 9 months 20 days old.
Total 6,870 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Brooklyn Van Zandt?

Brooklyn Van Zandt's next birthday is in 2 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Brooklyn Van Zandt?

Zodiac sign of Brooklyn Van Zandt is Taurus.

Brooklyn Van Zandt is a beautiful young model, actress and TikToker who despite her young age has already reached a great number of people who became her loyal fans and admirers. Born in 2006 in the US, she grew up alongside her parents and her two elder brothers. Her mom takes a very active part in promoting her lovely daughter's talents, and she often appears on TikTok videos alongside Brooklyn. Discovered by talent scouts in quite early age, Van Zandt started her professional career as a child model and has already collaborated with a large number of fashion and business companies as well as a number of fashion designers. In the late 2010s she was included to the list of Top 25 Models by one of the leading fashion magazines. Brooklyn Van Zandt has tried herself as a singer and an actress, her songs can be sound on Spoitfy. It is possible to find her on TikTok where the number of her subscribers is close to 1.3 million people (as of the early 2024).

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