How old is Bryton Myler?
Bryton Myler was born on 27 February 2004.
Bryton Myler is 20 years old.
How old is Bryton Myler in days now?
Bryton Myler is 20 years 11 months 15 days old.
Total 7,655 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Bryton Myler?
Bryton Myler's next birthday is in 16 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Bryton Myler?
Zodiac sign of Bryton Myler is Pisces.
Bryton Myler is a young YouTuber and social media star who is a part of Ninja Kids TV team. Born in 2004, he grew up in quite a large family, alongside his parents and three younger siblings. His younger sister Payton Myler is a famous child actress, a gymnast and a social media star. Her twin brother Paxton is also a child actor, and their other brother Ashton is famous for his personal YouTube channel. All the kids in the family are the founding members of Ninja Kids TV, which was the idea of their parents and now involves many friends of the family. Bryton has been also running his personal YouTube channel since 2016 and has plenty of really cool and interesting stuff available there. In particular, his video about catching an Easter Bunny has collected millions of views. As of the early 2024, there are over 5 million subscribers of his personal channel. Apart of social media activities, Bryton Myler also loves sports and acting.
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