How old is Bugha?
Bugha was born on 30 December 2002.
Bugha is 22 years old.
How old is Bugha in days now?
Bugha is 22 years 1 month 10 days old.
Total 8,077 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Bugha?
Bugha's next birthday is in 10 months 21 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Bugha?
Zodiac sign of Bugha is Capricorn.
Bugha is a professional e-sport competitor who is known as a winner of a few computer game world championships, as well as a streamer on Twitch. Born Kyle Giersdorf in 2002 in Pennsylvania, he spent his early years alongside his family and friends. As a child he began getting interested in playing computer games, with Minecraft and Fortnight like games being his favorite. As a teenager, he wanted to join a professional competition and compete with the world's best gamers. In the late 2010s his dream came true and he managed to become a member of the Sentinels team of professional gamers. As a part of the team, he won the 2019 Fortnite World Cup, as well as achieved other success as a solo player, or as a member of a duo with his buddy Tfue. Bugha is also highly respected as a streamer, with the current number of his fans on Twitch close to 5 million people and about 4.5 million people follow him on his YouTube channel (as of the late 2024).
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