How old is Capron Funk?

Capron Funk was born on 28 April 1993.
Capron Funk is 30 years old.

How old is Capron Funk in days now?

Capron Funk is 30 years 11 months 29 days old.
Total 11,321 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Capron Funk?

Capron Funk's next birthday is in 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Capron Funk?

Zodiac sign of Capron Funk is Taurus.

Capron Funk is an American social media star and one of the owners of a popular YouTube channel that he has been running with his brother Corey Funk and cousin Tyler Funk.  Capron was born in 1993 in California and since his childhood, he has been interested in scooter riding. As a teenager, he went through a lot of training and even became a professional by completing a few obligatory tricks on a scooter. In particular, he is good at doing double frontflips, double backflips, and other difficult tricks. Together with his relatives, Caprin Funk is a creator of the Funk Brothers YouTube channel which is very popular among young people who love challenges, pranks, and videos about the life of three young people. As of the early 2023, there are about 6 million followers of the channel, and the number of subscribers has been increasing recently. Capron Funk is married to Rydel Lynch, a singer, and musician.Their son came to the world in 2022, and in the early 2023 they announced that they were expecting their second child.

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