How old is CaseOh?

CaseOh was born on 9 May 1998.
CaseOh is 26 years old.

How old is CaseOh in days now?

CaseOh is 26 years 9 months 9 days old.
Total 9,782 days old now.

When is the next birthday of CaseOh?

CaseOh's next birthday is in 2 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of CaseOh?

Zodiac sign of CaseOh is Taurus.

CaseOh is a TikToker with a wide variety of hobbies and interests, thus focused on plenty of topics of his video content, from the NBA games to music and such. Born in 1998 in Arkansas, he grew up alongside his two brothers in a very competitive environment, so since his early childhood he has been well motivated to be the first and the best. Together with his brothers he used to play computer games or watch basketball games dreaming about a great future for themselves. Social media networking sites gave him a chance to advance in life, and in the early 2020s he started broadcasting on Twitch, as well as making and sharing videos on his newly opened TikTok page. Both broadcasting and making videos turned out to be very successful and interesting to the viewers, so CaseOh decided to open his channels on YouTube and Instagram as well. Currently, as of the mid 2024, there are about 6 million people following him on TikTok where he keeps sharing some videos about gaming and his daily jokes. He is also known as a creator of a web series named It Is What It Is.

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