How old is Cavetown?
Cavetown was born on 15 December 1998.
Cavetown is 26 years old.
How old is Cavetown in days now?
Cavetown is 26 years 1 month 27 days old.
Total 9,555 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Cavetown?
Cavetown's next birthday is in 10 months 4 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Cavetown?
Zodiac sign of Cavetown is Sagittarius.
Cavetown is a popular YouTuber and a musician known for fascinating and special content of his channel. Born Robin Skinner in 1998 in the UK, he was raised by his parents who worked in Oxford University. In particular, his father is a Professor of Music who plays flute and was the first one to teach his son music. Robin can play a few musical instruments and he loves music a lot! Together with his friend Dodie Clark, he used to record plenty of their song covers where Robin played ukulele. One of the covers of a song by Twenty One Pilots was especially popular. In his late teen ages Skinner started thinking about his musical career more seriously and started using his YouTube channel as a promotion platform. He has collaborated with a number of musicians and singers who are popular on YouTube. As of the late 2024, Cavetown has about 2.2 million fans on his YouTube account.
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