How old is Chelsea Lascher?

Chelsea Lascher was born on 15 September 2009.
Chelsea Lascher is 15 years old.

How old is Chelsea Lascher in days now?

Chelsea Lascher is 15 years 4 months 27 days old.
Total 5,628 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Chelsea Lascher?

Chelsea Lascher's next birthday is in 7 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Chelsea Lascher?

Zodiac sign of Chelsea Lascher is Virgo.

Chelsea Lascher is a young social media influencer who has accounts on a few platforms and attracts a lot of public attention as a rising star. She was born in 2009 in LA and grew up there, alongside her mum, her brother and sister. The family is very close and active, all of the members of it can be found in social media networking sites, and Chelsea is the most successful of them, with the number of the followers on her TikTok channel close to 3.3 million people, as of September 2024. Her videos are mainly focused on positive ideas, some fun and entertainment, her friends and siblings, her ideas and vision of this world. She can also be found on Instagram, and she often collaborates with her family members in making joint videos and posting them on their personal channels. Even their dog has its own account on Instagram. Chelsea Lascher is very lovely and cheerful, and it is a pleasure to watch her videos as well as the ones of her family.

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