How old is Chloe Schnapp?
Chloe Schnapp was born on 3 October 2004.
Chloe Schnapp is 20 years old.
How old is Chloe Schnapp in days now?
Chloe Schnapp is 20 years 4 months 3 days old.
Total 7,431 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Chloe Schnapp?
Chloe Schnapp's next birthday is in 7 months 27 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Chloe Schnapp?
Zodiac sign of Chloe Schnapp is Libra.
Chloe Schnapp is a social media star and the twin sister of a brilliant TV actor Noah Schnapp who became famous as a part of an iconic TV series Stranger Things. Born in 2004 in the state of New York and grew up alongside her parents of Canadian origins and alongside her star twin brother. After he had become a star of an epic TV show, Chloe became popular as a social media star and the owner of a popular TikTok channel where it is possible to find plenty of interesting videos about her life, her hobbies and her family. Sometimes her star brother also appears in her videos, and some videos feature her friends. She loves her brother a lot and often dedicates her videos to his life and his achievements. Chloe Schnapp is popular on Instagram where she has almost 900 thousand followers.
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