How old is Chris Tyson?

Chris Tyson was born on 1 July 1996.
Chris Tyson is 27 years old.

How old is Chris Tyson in days now?

Chris Tyson is 27 years 10 months 2 days old.
Total 10,168 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Chris Tyson?

Chris Tyson's next birthday is in 1 month 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Chris Tyson?

Zodiac sign of Chris Tyson is Cancer.

Chris Tyson is a popular YouTube channel owner known also as one of the people behind the joint channel MrBeast. Born Christopher Tyson in 1996 in the US, he grew up in North Carolina and has been interested in social media platforms since the mid-2010s when his friend Jimmy Donaldson offered Chris to open a joint YouTube channel known now as MrBeast. Chris himself used to have two of his personal YouTube channel which is now inactive. He is known for creating super great pranks and challenges, as well as for his charisma and great looks. Chris is married to Katie Tyson and the couple has a son Tucker Tyson who is also an Instagram star as his parents run his personal channel. As of the early 2023, Chris Tyson has about 2.6 million subscribers on his personal Instagram account and about 2 million followers on his YouTube channel.

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