How old is Connor Yates?

Connor Yates was born on 5 January 1999.
Connor Yates is 25 years old.

How old is Connor Yates in days now?

Connor Yates is 25 years 3 months 21 days old.
Total 9,243 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Connor Yates?

Connor Yates's next birthday is in 8 months 10 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Connor Yates?

Zodiac sign of Connor Yates is Capricorn.

Connor Yates is a famous Instagram and TikTok star as well as a social media celebrity known also as a member of a group The Hype House. Born in 1999 in the US, he grew up alongside his family and friends. Since his early years he has been interested in computers and social media, and he opened his first channel on TikTok in the late 2010s, followed by opening his account in Instagram. It is possible to see plenty of interesting stuff on his Instagram and he comes out as a young man loving life and living this life to the fullest. He became famous quite fast and became a member of a group of some really popular social media stars called The Hype House, alongside such celebrities as Charli D'Amelio, Chase Hudson, Addison Rae, and many others. Connor Yates is loved by his fans and, as of the late 2023, has about 200 thousand followers on his Instagram account and about 750 thousand followers on his TikTok channel.

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