How old is Cruz Beckham?

Cruz Beckham was born on 20 February 2005.
Cruz Beckham is 19 years old.

How old is Cruz Beckham in days now?

Cruz Beckham is 19 years 11 months 18 days old.
Total 7,292 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Cruz Beckham?

Cruz Beckham's next birthday is in 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Cruz Beckham?

Zodiac sign of Cruz Beckham is Pisces.

Cruz Beckham is a public person, a social media personality, and one of the sons of the famous parents, a successful British and international soccer player David Beckham and a former singer and a member of Spice Girls Victoria Beckham. Cruz was born in 2005 in Madrid, Spain and his name was chosen by his parents because Cruz means "cross" in the Spanish language. Cruz spent most of his childhood in LA where he grew up alongside his elder brothers Romeo Beckham and Brooklyn Beckham. He is also the elder brother of Harper Beckham who was born in California 6 years later. Cruz Beckham is a popular social media star and there are over 2.1 million followers on his Instagram account (as of the early 2024). Cruz is receiving proper training in dancing and singing, he loves break dancing and in 2016 he released his first single "If Everyday Was Christmas".

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