How old is CurlyHeadJJ?
CurlyHeadJJ was born on 23 May 2002.
CurlyHeadJJ is 22 years old.
How old is CurlyHeadJJ in days now?
CurlyHeadJJ is 22 years 8 months 17 days old.
Total 8,298 days old now.
When is the next birthday of CurlyHeadJJ?
CurlyHeadJJ's next birthday is in 3 months 14 days.
What is the zodiac sign of CurlyHeadJJ?
Zodiac sign of CurlyHeadJJ is Gemini.
CurlyHeadJJ is a lovely TikTok superstar and a cool lip-sync content creator. Born Jayson Javier in 2002 in Puerto Rico, he has been a huge fan of basketball since his early age. Despite being a teenager, he has quite a great experience as a social media sensation. He started his presence by opening his and Instagram accounts in the mid-2010s. His blonde curly hair and cute looks have done their job and keep contributing to the increasing popularity of CurlyHeadJJ. His accounts are followed and his posts are commented by plenty of young female subscribers. He is promoting his TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter accounts which have hundreds of thousands of followers.
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