How old is Daniel Howell?
Daniel Howell was born on 11 June 1991.
Daniel Howell is 33 years old.
How old is Daniel Howell in days now?
Daniel Howell is 33 years 8 months 7 days old.
Total 12,306 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Daniel Howell?
Daniel Howell's next birthday is in 3 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Daniel Howell?
Zodiac sign of Daniel Howell is Gemini.
Daniel Howell is a vlogger, YouTuber, author, and a radio host. He was born in 1991 in Berkshire, the UK, and grew up alongside his parents, and his younger brother, but he used to be in a very close relationship with his grandma. He started getting interested in social networks and online activities in quite late ages, when he was 18 years old. Thus, his first YouTube channel was opened in 2009, under pressure of his friends, including Phil Lester, his best friend, and colleague. The first personal self-named YouTube account of Daniel is still very popular and as of the early 2023 has over 6 million subscribers. In 2014, together with Phil, Daniel opened one more channel, DanandPhilGames, which a year later became one of the fastest growing channels on the website. Beyond his online activities, Daniel used to be an author for the Huffington Post, as well as a radio show host, together with Phil. The duo tried themselves in cinema and released two books. In 2016, Daniel Howell won British Online Creator Award.
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