How old is Deji Olatunji?
Deji Olatunji was born on 9 December 1996.
Deji Olatunji is 28 years old.
How old is Deji Olatunji in days now?
Deji Olatunji is 28 years 2 months 2 days old.
Total 10,291 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Deji Olatunji?
Deji Olatunji's next birthday is in 9 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Deji Olatunji?
Zodiac sign of Deji Olatunji is Sagittarius.
Deji Olatunji is a British gamer and pranker, a YouTuber and Internet personality, as well as the brother of Olajide Olatunji, a rapper. Deji was born in 1996 in the UK and grew up alongside his elder brother. Both of the children were very creative and loved good fun and jokes. Since his early childhood, Deji has been in love with computer games and various online activities. Just like most of his friends, he opened his first YouTube account at the end of 2011 and began uploading various funny videos, created by him and his bro. Those were mostly family pranks, computer game related comments and some sketches. He is an expert in challenges like eating a scorpion, trying various kinds of odd Japanese food, sports-related challenges, etc. He managed to attract 1 million subscribers for just 2 years, and as of December 2024 there are over 12 million followers of his YouTube account. Deji Olatunji has also tried himself in acting by taking part in the movies The Rackaracka, Laid in America and others.
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