How old is Demi Adriano?

Demi Adriano was born on 19 February 2011.
Demi Adriano is 13 years old.

How old is Demi Adriano in days now?

Demi Adriano is 13 years 11 months 21 days old.
Total 5,104 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Demi Adriano?

Demi Adriano's next birthday is in 10 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Demi Adriano?

Zodiac sign of Demi Adriano is Pisces.

An American social media star and a gymnast, Demi Adriano rose to fame by appearing in some videos of Lucas Dobre and Marcus Dobre. She was born in 2011 in the US and was raised alongside her two sisters, Natalie and Trisha. Gymnastics has been her passion since the early years, and as a child she started receiving some great training as a future professional gymnast. He idol in the field is a famous Romanian gymnast Aurelia Dobre, and in 2017 she met her inspiration lady. In the late 2010s she opened her personal YouTube channel where is it possible to find plenty of videos of her daily life, as well as some entertaining, healthy life style, and cooking related videos. As of February 2024, there are about 600 thousand followers of her YouTube channel, as well as about a quarter of a million fans subscribed to her TikTok channel. Demi Adriano is a very good friend of Dobre Brothers, and she takes part in many challenges and cool videos of theirs. For instance, A Watermelon Eating Challenge is the one of them which is definitely worth seeing.

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