How old is DerekTrendz?
DerekTrendz was born on 26 July 2003.
DerekTrendz is 21 years old.
How old is DerekTrendz in days now?
DerekTrendz is 21 years 6 months 16 days old.
Total 7,871 days old now.
When is the next birthday of DerekTrendz?
DerekTrendz's next birthday is in 5 months 15 days.
What is the zodiac sign of DerekTrendz?
Zodiac sign of DerekTrendz is Leo.
DerekTrendz is a popular TikToker and comedy content creator who has recently become famous for his hilarious content. Born in 2003 in the US, he was raised by his parents of Dominican origins, alongside his younger sister Ahiella who is also a known TikToker. Both of the siblings are relatively new on TikTok, as of the early 2021. Derek opened his channel in the late 2019 and became one of the sensations of the year 2020. His content is really cool and interesting so the current number of his subscribers is well over 4.7 million people, as of the mid 2024. In his videos he is focused on impersonating, lip-syncing or various kinds of funny stuff. It is also possible to follow DerekTrendz on Twitter, Instagram and some other popular social media platforms.
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