How old is Diezel Ortiz?
Diezel Ortiz was born on 15 December 2011.
Diezel Ortiz is 13 years old.
How old is Diezel Ortiz in days now?
Diezel Ortiz is 13 years 1 month 27 days old.
Total 4,807 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Diezel Ortiz?
Diezel Ortiz's next birthday is in 10 months 4 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Diezel Ortiz?
Zodiac sign of Diezel Ortiz is Sagittarius.
Diezel Ortiz is a bright young Instagram star known also as the younger brother of a social media sensation Txunamy. Born in 2011 in Caifornia, he is growing up alongside his elder sister Txunamy, as well as two younger siblings and their loving parents. Their mother Esthhala and their father Sdiezel are both famous social media stars, with popular accounts on Instagram who have been helping and supporting the account of Diezel as well. His personal account was opened in 2015, when he was only 3 years old, and his mum first was trying to promote him as a child model and a cool fashion expert. So far, Diezel has appeared in some fashion blogs as an expert, and his popularity has been recently increasing, just like the popularity of his elder sister. Diezel Ortiz is known as a fashion expert and a child who knows how to dress up smartly.
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