How old is Duke Depp?

Duke Depp was born on 12 December 2000.
Duke Depp is 24 years old.

How old is Duke Depp in days now?

Duke Depp is 24 years 1 month 25 days old.
Total 8,822 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Duke Depp?

Duke Depp's next birthday is in 10 months 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Duke Depp?

Zodiac sign of Duke Depp is Sagittarius.

Duke Depp, or Willywonkatiktok is a TikToker and impostor who acts as a famous character of a movie Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Willi Wonk. Born Tyson Duke Charlesworth in Utah, he grew up alongside his mom and alder sister. In his childhood he had interest in cinema and arts, and after finishing high school Tyson began working as a wedding photographer. He started his presence in social media in the late 2010s when he opened two TikTok channels, one for posting videos of himself as Willi Wonk and the other for his personal vlog. His first channel rose to popularity extremely fast and as of the late 2024, a little more than three years after its opening, the number of the followers is approaching 20 million people. Duke Depp's channel is the place where it is possible to find plenty of interesting and entertaining stuff. Tyson often collaborates with other TikTokers and is very successful in creating various ideas for his video content.

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