How old is Dylan Hartman?

Dylan Hartman was born on 29 December 2004.
Dylan Hartman is 20 years old.

How old is Dylan Hartman in days now?

Dylan Hartman is 20 years 1 month 13 days old.
Total 7,349 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Dylan Hartman?

Dylan Hartman's next birthday is in 10 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Dylan Hartman?

Zodiac sign of Dylan Hartman is Capricorn.

Dylan Hartman is a young American TikTok star and social media sensation, a singer, a musician, and a model. Born in 2004 in Philadelphia, he is growing up in the family of him and his loving parents. Since the early ages, Dylan has loved sports and has been playing a variety of those, like baseball, ice-hockey, and so on. He loves music and is a big fan of HRVY. Dylan opened his first TikTok channel in 2017 and began posting plenty of videos of him singing and speculating about life. He also has a popular YouTube and Instagram channel, with the number of subscribers of the latter close to a quarter-million. He signed up with a young talent agency Vivid Management and takes part in several projects of various kinds. Dylan Hartman is cool and charismatic guy, with plenty of interesting ideas and great talents.

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