How old is Edwin Burgos?

Edwin Burgos was born on 19 February 1998.
Edwin Burgos is 26 years old.

How old is Edwin Burgos in days now?

Edwin Burgos is 26 years 11 months 18 days old.
Total 9,849 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Edwin Burgos?

Edwin Burgos's next birthday is in 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Edwin Burgos?

Zodiac sign of Edwin Burgos is Pisces.

Known for his interesting and unique photos that he has been posting on Instagram, Edwin Burgos is an online personality and a celebrity among the fans of Instagram. Born in 1998 in Puerto Rico, he started his presence online by opening his personal YouTube account in the mid-2010s. Later on, he joined a group of 5 popular broadcasters on YouNow, which also included Nick Brown, Zach Clayton, and others. However, for the last few years, Burgos has been focusing on promoting his Instagram channel where he keeps on posting a large number of pictures and photos describing various emotions and moods. Edwin Burgos is also interested in acting and performing on stage, and he can be seen in a video of Zach Clayton.

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